Maryla Rodowicz has graduated from Liceum Ziemi Kujawskiej (The Kujawy region high school) in Włocławek and studied at Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego (The Academy of Physical Education) in Warsaw. In her youth, among other things, she took active role in athletics at Kujawiak Włocławek sports club.
Her music career began in 1967 after winning the first prize at „Festiwal Piosenki i Piosenkarzy Studenckich” (The Student Song and Singers’ Festival) in Kraków. Two years later she recorded her first well-known song „Mówiły mu” („The girls told him”, English version known as „Love Doesn’t Grow On Trees”) and in 1970 — her first longplay. In 1973 she gained popularity with the song „Małgośka” with lyrics written by Agnieszka Osiecka. A year later she performed her song „Futbol” („Football”) at the FIFA World Cup Opening Ceremony in Munich. The singer’s body of work comprises over 2000 recorded songs, with over 30 albums in Polish, as well as in English, Czech, German and Russian. Apart from „Małgośka”, the artist’s most famous songs are „Niech żyje bal” („Long live the ball”), „To już było” („Done that”), „Wielka Woda („Great water”), „Rozmowa przez ocean” („Talk over the ocean”), „Bossanova do poduszki” („Bedside bossanova”), „Łatwopalni” („Inflammables”) and her latest album’s hits such as „Wszyscy chcą kochać” („Everybody wants to love”) and „Będzie co ma być” („What is to be, will be”). In 2005 she recorded the album „Kochać” („To love”) with lyrics by Katarzyna Nosowska. On the occasion of FIFA World Cup 2006 she recorded a song „Za Janasa” („For Janas”) with Nosowska’s lyrics.
Maryla Rodowicz has performed in concert worldwide: in Europe, America, Australia, and Asia. She has received some of the most pretigious awards for her singing. She also participated in all of the major festivals in Poland including Festiwal Piosenki i Piosenkarzy Studenckich (The Student Songs and Singers’ Festival) in Kraków, Krajowy Festiwal Piosenki Polskiej (The National Polish Song Festival) in Opole and Sopot Festival. Rodowicz also took part in festivals in Oklahoma City, Los Angeles, and Tulsa.
Rodowicz made guest appearances in several Polish feature films and regularly performed in the television series „Rodzina zastępcza” (Foster family) (Polsat TV 1999–2009) .
In 1992 she released her autobiography under the title of Niech żyje bal.